

Christina is very direct and a master of the powerful questions. She listened patiently to what I had to say, took my statements and turned them into powerful questions, and simultaneously supported and reinforced for me my plan for reducing the public speaking jitters.


Christina’s coaching style is intuitive, thoughtful and powerful. She gave me space to think deeply about the topics I brought forth, and when she sensed I could think even more deeply, she respectfully challenged me. From our first session to our last, Christina made it comfortable and easy to be coached.


Christina's knowledge of meditation and spirituality helped immensely to expand my personal mindfulness practice. Christina did a great job at helping me identify where I was not being honest with myself. She is highly emotionally intelligent which helped me to be more in touch with what emotions I was experiencing at the time. Guided meditations with Christina were always a great experience. Every session that I had with Christina ended with me feeling more inspired and at peace.


Christina has the ability to cohesively weave spunk & creativity into the relaxing & grounding mindfulness practices she leads. One of Christina's many talents include meeting clients exactly where they are at in such a genuinely heartfelt loving way. I appreciate her transparent yet vibrant personality that shined through each and every one of our sessions.


Christina would be wonderful mindfulness coach for anyone experiencing anxiety, depression or a major life crisis due to her ability to transcend a person from their current state into a safe cocoon of mindfulness and relaxation.


Before I heard about Christina's coaching I was in a place of frustration. I felt that I had been healing from my recent divorce, but found myself still struggling. Mainly, I was overindulging on sweets and feeling guilty for it and so the cycle continued. Now, I am out of the cyclical nature of self-medicating and self-condemning. I am free to allow myself to make decisions that benefit me, rather than continue to hurt myself. It is still a struggle, but I am now more aware and more loving towards myself, and therefore tend to make better decisions about overindulgence.