I’m a Transformational Life Coach who has been a Registered Nurse since 2008. I live to be a catalyst for personal growth, a facilitator for recovery, and a mirror of authenticity and courage.   I have been told some of my superpowers as a coach are deep presence, intuition, seeing the bigger picture, and allowing the creative to flourish. 

I’m certified as both a Holistic Nurse Coach and as a Mental Health Nurse.   While I enjoy coaching nurses and caregivers, I work with all different kinds of people to help create shifts towards changing their lives for the better. 

I teach on topics related to mental health, relationships, and creative pursuits to healthcare professionals and community members.   I consult with coaches on mental health questions about their clients, and I’m available for private client education and advocacy when navigating the healthcare system in Oregon.

I’m passionate about normalizing conversations regarding mental health to reduce stigma, improve mental health outcomes, and improve quality of life for those with mental illness.  I do my best to humanize persons with chronic mental illness through education and in each interpersonal interaction. 

I also believe I/we need to do more to improve social determinants of health that impact black, brown, neurodivergent, differently-abled, and GLBTQ populations.   As a cis white woman from New York City with a big mouth it is my obligation to do social justice work and lift others up.   I still have a lot to learn about how to be an ally, but I have to be humble and try.   People’s lives are depending on it. 

Personally I identify as queer, bisexual, polyamorous, sex positive, kinky, and use she/her pronouns. I am clever and creative; I enjoy collage and other crafty mediums but I am also a dopamine junky so in 2019 I returned to the stage with the encouragement of my partner who is a drag king named Johnny O. All but one of my performances thus far have involved phallic objects. Oh, and we have 4 dogs and 3 cats together (RIP Katie).

I refuse to live my life full of shame and thus I have a lifetime of recovery and resilience success stories.   I am a survivor of childhood bullying and sexual abuse and after learning that addiction truly runs in the family I have been sober since 2007. Depression and anxiety creep in from time to time, and my latest mental health journey involves learning how to trick my ADHD brain into doing that time management thing. I’m pretty much 1000% percent happier than I was 20 years ago, though. Heck, even happier than 10 years ago!

Meditation and mindfulness have helped, A LOT, and so has following my heart.

The unicorn in me bows to the unicorn in you.